Today, there are 3 options when evaluating dermal & subcutaneous masses
Risky, leaves clients worrying, delays cancer diagnosis and may worsen patient outcomes.
Typically performed by the vet, labor intensive handling of slides and stains, slow results that are often non-diagnostic.
Surgical procedure is costly, invasive and stressful, especially for older dogs.
HT Vista helps veterinary teams rule out cancer without the need for invasive diagnostics or rule in malignancy when results indicate*.
*HT Vista provides a Cancer Risk value with 90%sensitivity and 98% NPV, along with a diagnostic alertwhen cancer detection specificity exceeds 90%.
HT Vista helps veterinary teams rule-out cancer without the needs diagnostics after invasive or rule-in malignancy when results indicate*.
*HT Vista provides a Cancer Risk value with 90% sensitivity and 98% NPV, along with a diagnostic alert when cancer detection specificity exceeds 90%.
With HT Vista, promote early cancer detection, or give pet owners peace of mind with a
and results on the spot
Vet Nurse/ Tech Lead- Three Step Process